Even if the exceptional conditions that we know confine us inside, nature continues its way.
With almost 10 days in advance, the first buds have already bloomed in Camplazens. It is due to an exceptional warm month of February. In 2016 and 2018, it was January.
And yes, I’m talking about delay because if the vines are early, the winemaker is late on his work, nature imposes its rhythm on us. The pruning just completed, you must attach the branches that will carry the 2020 harvest so that they do not yield under the action of the wind or the weight of the grapes.
We must also think about taking care of the soils which will provide water and the essential nutrients for the vines within a few days. The cultivator or mowing are on the program depending on the nature of the soil.
Finally, spring is also the mating season and the cluster worms (small moth-like butterfly) whose caterpillar loves flowers and grapes, are in search of a soul mate. Since the cessation of insecticides in Camplazens, to deceive the enemies, we have throughout the vineyard small diffusers “of smell” of female and under the abundance of these promising scents, the males “lose” the head ( sexual confusion).
Take care of you.
Yann Claustre